音楽:Made in Europe を通販で購入する(通信販売で予約する)

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Made in Europe


Album Description
After years of mystery in the vaults, the good folks at Warner Music/RHINO have given classic rockers Friday Music the keys to open up the magical hard rock kingdom of Deep Purple once again, as they re- release their incredible live recording " Made In Europe". This newly remastered disc is a fine sequel to their " Made In Japan" album, as it captured the new Mark III line up's excellent moments from the "Burn" and "Stormbringer" projects.

Ritchie Blackmore's famous opening riff kicks things into gear as "Burn" opens the album. The dual vocals of David Coverdale and Glenn Hughes ushered in a ton of praise throughout their amazing run together in the Purple, but this particular tune truly defines the spirit of this band as it became one of the more famous songs in the bands lengthy discography.

Never fear founder Jon Lord gets his solo on " You Fool No One" this extended version showcases his wonderful keyboard work, as Ian Paice delivers the stunning back beat throughout this impeccable performance. Again, another career defining moment from the vast Deep Purple catalog of songs. This live version takes the tune to another level indeed.

"Stormbringer" gets an anthem-like delivery from the band as Mr. Coverdale carries the beginning of this strong track with Glenn Hughes following with his incredible rocking harmony vocal style.

This album marks the last recordings of the Warner Music era with Ritchie Blackmore, as he left the band to pursue his incredible run with Rainbow, and to later re-join Deep Purple in the early 80's for their reunion tour and subsequent albums for several more years.

As a lasting statement of the energy of these metal rock founders, "Made In Europe" captures the energy of this band in a long lost era of great rock music. Fortunately, it was caught on tape over thirty years ago, and Friday Music has rescued it for the North American fans of this legendary band. Welcome back Deep Purple's "Made In Europe", newly remastered by Joe Reagoso ( David Lee Roth, Procol Harum, Johnny Winter) and sounding better than ever.

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Made in Europe
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