New Maps of Hell
↑↑↑↑をで内容をチェック/購入する↑↑↑↑ 商品の説明内容紹介アメリカン・パンクを代表するバンド、Bad Religionの全17曲収録の通算14枚目となるニューアルバム。プロデューサーに、Tool、Queens of the Stone Age、Weezerなどを手掛けたJoe Barresiを起用。 Album Description In a world ruled increasingly by superstition and intolerance, Bad Religion's rousing wall-of-sound punk seems about as necessary now as ever before. It is the impassioned sound of reason, anthems of a bittersweet idealism and a guarded hope set to propulsive guitars and charging drumbeats. And while most groups with even half the artistic output have long ago morphed into stylistic self-parody, Bad Religion is currently surging forward with a renewed creative intensity. Their fourteenth album is both a nod to the band's defiant past and an undeniable step forward in the evolution of a genre they helped to define. Look for them on this summer's Warped Tour, inspiring a new generation of fans. |
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